Monday, May 16, 2022

Insider News Center: From Westchester Insider: Westchester County Legislator Margaret Cunzio 3rd District: Valhalla Memorial Day Parade - Monday, 5/30.


American Legion Post 1038

Valhalla Memorial Day Parade

Monday, May 30, 2022.

The parade will step off at 9:30 AM sharp from Westlake Drive, behind Valhalla Methodist Church.

​All community organizations and leaders are invited to march in the parade and all veterans are invited to march with the American Legion Adolph Pfister Post 1038.The ceremony will promptly follow at the Valhalla Village Green/Gazebo at approximately 10:00 AM. Immediately after the ceremony, everyone is invited to the American Legion Adolph Pfister Post 1038 Open House for hot dogs, beverages, ice cream and friendship. 

A rain/weather contingency for the ceremony, only, will be announced closer to Memorial Day on social media and, should it become necessary. 

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