Thursday, May 19, 2022

Insider News Center: From New York City Insider: Representative Adriano Espaillat Votes to Invest in Chronically Underfunded Workforce Development Programs.



For Immediate Release

May 19, 2022


Representative Adriano Espaillat Votes to Invest in Chronically Underfunded Workforce Development Programs.

Investing in workforce development programs will help fill job openings with qualified workers, address supply chain issues, and lower costs for families


WASHINGTON, DC –  This week, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) voted to pass H.R. 7309 – the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2022 (WIOA), which would invest in our nation’s workforce development programs and help fill job openings in New York's 13th congressional district with qualified workers.

Espaillat spoke on House floor in support of WIOA, which includes his bill, H.R.7323 - Expanding Reentry Employment Assistance Act, that aims to expand reentry employment assistance for adults, prevent drop out among in-school youth, increase the employment rate of out-of-school youth, and reduce youth crime and violence.

WIOA is the backbone of our nation’s workforce development system.  The law provides training and career services that help working people across the country get the skills they need and help employers secure a qualified workforce.  WIOA includes funding for job training for adults, dislocated workers, and youth as well as supportive services to help participants complete training and join the workforce.  “The evidence is clear that our economy has made meaningful progress toward recovering from the pandemic.  Despite this progress, we know job openings currently exceed applicants, and employers are clamoring for skilled workers,” said Rep. Espaillat

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