Thursday, May 19, 2022

Insider News Center: From New York City Insider: Representative Adriano Espaillat Voted to Improve Families’ Access to Baby Formula.



For Immediate Release

May 19, 2022


Representative Adriano Espaillat Voted to Improve Families’ Access to Baby Formula.


WASHINGTON, DC –  This week, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) helped pass two bills that will improve families’ access to infant formula, ensure every baby has the nutrition they need to live and develop and prevent this crisis from potentially happening again. 

The supplemental funding bill (H.R. 7790) provides the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urgently needed resources to help address the infant formula shortage, increase the number of FDA inspection staff, provide resources for personnel working on formula issues, help the agency stop fraudulent baby formula from entering the marketplace and improve data collection on the formula market.

“I share the frustrations of women and families across the nation who are living in panic, worried their babies will go hungry. It is outrageous and criminal that in the world’s richest country, families are frantically searching for baby formula. Even more frustrating is the shortage was avoidable. The national infant formula shortage was driven by a company’s recall of product. We must investigate the monopolization of the U.S. formula industry and hold bad actors accountable. We must examine how we got here and activate policies to guarantee it never happens again. We must improve supply chain resiliency, market sustainability, and product diversification— it is quite literally a matter of life and death. By passing this bill, Congress is ensuring that the FDA can end the current shortage and help prevent it from ever happening again,” said Rep. Espaillat. 

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