Friday, April 22, 2022

Insider News Center: From Westchester Insider: Westchester County Legislator Mary Jane Shimsky 12th District: Earth Day 2022 - Invest in our Planet.


Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

Earth Day began in 1970 as a program of teach-ins on American college campuses to raise awareness of environmental challenges like pollution and deforestation, with political sponsorship that was bi-partisan -- from Wisconsin Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson and California Republican Congressman Pete McCloskey.
Today we mark Earth Day.

Over the last four years in Westchester we've worked to convert our transit fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles, to ensure capital projects we invest in are energy efficient, to expand EV charging capacity, to expand food scrap recycling, to ban expanded polystyrene food containers, and to declare a climate emergency.

We pledge to continue the County's environmental efforts and join with EarthDay.Org to #InvestInOurPlanet.

To find Earth Day events near you, visit


MaryJane ShimskyTo Read More, Link To:

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