Friday, April 22, 2022

Insider News Center: From Greenburgh Insider: Please complete survey re: health care needs and assessment.


Please help health care providers improve the services they offer residents!

Received this e mail from Grace Noone, who works for Burke as Manager of PUblic Relations, Communications and Marketing. If family members, neighbors or  you have some thoughts - please take the time to complete the survey.  Grace is known to residents of Greenburgh - she was a highly respected reporter at  News12 Westchester.

Thanks for completing the survey and helping us improve health care in Westchester.


The document can be accessed by using the following link: or the QR found below. The survey closes on June 30th.  The CHNA survey results will inform the development of a plan, involving many community partners, to improve the health of our community. The survey is also important because its results can impact funding, spending, and other wide-reaching decisions about health care.


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