Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Insider News Center: From New York State Insider: Election 2022 Desk News: CNBC Reports that Former Governor Andrew Cuomo is considering possible run against Successor Governor Kathy Hochul?


CNBC is reporting that Former NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo is considering A Possible run against his Successor Kathy Hochul for NYS Governor in This Year's Election? 

CNBC Reports that Former Governor Cuomo has been fielding calls from Supporters about A Possible Campaign against Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul.

CNBC Further Reports that Aides have been conducting their Own Internal Voter Polling on a Potential Matchup between Cuomo and Hochul.

  • CNBC included in their News Report that Cuomo's Political Committee started the New Year with over $16 Million Dollars on Hand. CNBC also reported Governor Hochul Campaign has over $20 Million Dollars in it as of it's last public Campaign Committee Filing. 
    We at New York State Insider will keep our readers posted on this CNBC Report if there any further developments on this Story. Keep coming back to New York State Insider for the Most Comprehensive Coverage of the 2022 Election Cycle in terms of Local, State and Federal Elections.

    New York State Insider Publisher Delfim Heusler

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