Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Insider News Center: From New York State Insider: Kavanagh, Cymbrowitz, Legislators, Advocates and Homeless New Yorkers Urge Governor Hochul to Join Legislature and Fund Housing Access Voucher Program.



Kavanagh, Cymbrowitz, Legislators, Advocates and Homeless New Yorkers Urge Governor Hochul to Join Legislature and Fund Housing Access Voucher Program.

$250 Million in Rental Assistance Approved by State Legislature Would Fund Major New Initiative Toward Ending Homelessness and Eviction Crisis.

Albany, NY – Senator Brian Kavanagh and Assemblymember Steven Cymbrowitz, Chairs of the Senate and Assembly Housing Committees, were joined by colleagues in the Legislature, advocates, and New Yorkers who have experienced homelessness to call for the State budget to include $250 million in funding for the Housing Access Voucher Program (HAVP). The new program, the details of which are spelled out in bill S2804B/A3701, would be a major new statewide initiative toward ending the crisis of homelessness and evictions.

Currently, more than 92,000 New Yorkers are experiencing homelessness. The proposal would provide enough funds to house 20,000 households, or over 40,000 people, in the first year of the program. Both the Senate and the Assembly included the $250 million allocation in their budget resolutions passed on March 14th. Three-way negotiations are now underway among the Governor, the Senate, and the Assembly toward adopting a final budget by April 1st.

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