Monday, March 14, 2022

Insider News Center: From Greenburgh Insider: Public Service Commission holding virtual public hearing on Con Ed rate hike request.


If you would like to speak at a public hearing on a proposed Con Ed rate hike please read the instructions below.

Con Ed rate hikes and rates are determined by the NYS Public Service Commission.  The commission is holding a virtual public hearing on a proposed rate hike request by Con Ed on March 22, 29 and 31. If you'd like to express your views please read on.

.Con Ed is seeking a rate hike effective  January 1, 2023. Con Edison is proposing to increase its electric delivery revenue by approximately $1.2 billion (a 17.6 percent increase in base delivery revenues), and its natural gas delivery revenue by approximately $500 million (a 28.1 percent increase in base delivery revenues). 

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Insider News Center: From Yonkers Insider: New York League of Conservation Voters: Environmental News: February 13.

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